Patient Selection for Diabetes Drug Testing

Project Submission

When submitting this project, make sure to run all the cells before saving the notebook. Save the notebook file as "student_project_submission.ipynb" and save another copy as an HTML file by clicking "File" -> "Download as.."->"html". Include the "" and "" files in your submission. The should be where you put most of your code that you write and the summary and text explanations should be written inline in the notebook. Once you download these files, compress them into one zip file for submission in the Udacity Classroom.

Environment Setup

For step by step instructions on creating your environment, please go to

Once you have completed your project please

  1. Make sure the project meets all of the specifications on the Project Rubric
  2. If you are working in directly in our workspaces, you can submit your project directly there
  3. If you are working in your own environment or if you have issues submitting directly in the workspace, please zip up your flies and submit them that way.

Best of Luck on the project. Remember that you can use the resources provided in the student hub or talk with you mentor if you have questions too.